Every day hundreds of people trying to find a cell phone for imei code by entering it into the pseudo base sites and expecting them to show the real location of the phone. But we want to destroy these dreams and tell the truth, to find the phone so - it is impossible, at least, 'ordinary mortals'. The fact that such a possibility only in the higher ranks of law enforcement officers who may file an appropriate request to the mobile company, and it has, in turn, will perform all necessary to search.

Therefore, when you offer to send sms or other means to pay the money and get information on the location of the stolen phone - do not believe it, because You just throw out good money after bad, because in front of you ordinary fraud and nothing more.
You can count only on the sites services that collect codes imei. In such resources anyone can enter the code of your stolen phone and specify how you can return the phone and a reward. So if you've found a mobile, you can look at this site, where you can check to see whether it is looking for someone. Call sites will not, because permanent and major services, unfortunately, not yet, and the time point does not make sense, since they can be closed in a month.